Health Care Staff

Our Pledge To End Racism

In June 2020 AMSN released a statement stating our commitment to end racism, in which there were four actions AMSN committed to undertake related to acknowledgement, engagement, advancing policy and educating nurses. We pledge to do our part to end racism. We recognize that racism harms people, health care and health. As we move forward, we invite you to join us in our pledge to end racism. We invite to share your pledge with us, to engage with us in committing to do all we can do to stop racism. View the AMSN Discrimination and Violence Statement.

Take the Pledge!

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In June 2020 AMSN released a statement, in which there were four actions AMSN committed to undertake related to acknowledgement, engagement, advancing policy and educating nurses. We pledge to do our part to end racism. We recognize that racism harms people, health care and health. As we move forward, we invite you to join us in our pledge to end racism. We invite you to share your pledge with us, to engage with us in committing to do all we can do to stop racism. View

the AMSN Discrimination and Violence Statement.

Take the Pledge!

Please to submit a pledge.
Be active in standing with, and working for, those affected instead of just standing by.
human rights
I pledge to continue to treat everyone that I encounter with respect and dignity and expect the same in return.
human rights
I pledge to never tolerate racism of any kind, to speak out to those who are racist, and raise my children to never see race as a way of treating someone differently.
Patty Crosby
I pledge to continually educate myself and others on what it means to be racist and the numerous ways we can recognize and take a stand against racist words and actions. I pledge to be an advocate for those who are unable to advocate for themselves.
human rights
I will support my friends, colleagues, and community that are impacted by racism. I pledge to become better informed and not shy away from the topic or difficult situations regarding racism.
Jessica Tully
human rights
Always remember Dr. King's words to judge by the content of character not color of skin.

Treat everyone with love and respect, to speak up against injustices.
I pledge to speak up when I hear bias towards other races and to be more aware of my own implicit biases. I will support candidates for public office who want to end racism, income disparity and healthcare disparity.
Treat all equally. Be present and listen. Take into consideration where each person is coming from.
Have open discussion, educate myself/others and when I see something say something. It takes all of us.

Love over fear!
I pledge to build a better tomorrow whereby all people are treated with dignity and respect. I will strive to "get in good trouble, necessary trouble" to stamp out racist behavior whenever encountered or wherever I witness it!
I pledge to be unbiased towards all individuals no matter what their race, religion, culture or sexuality is. I will speak up to those that have prejudice remarks and educate my children on the importance of ending racism.
human rights
I pledge to treat people equally and not judge persons on their race, culture, religion, sexuality, or gender.
Speaking up in my community against injustice and volunteering & donating to existing local initiatives to combat police brutality and youth incarceration.
Katie Locke
I will work with my colleagues, community, my children, and family to have meaningful discussions on race and ending racism on all levels. Above all, I pledge to stand up, speak out, and defend the rights of fellow citizens any time I can.
Lara Lipski
I pledge to end racism by recognizing and acknowledging that every person is a unique, never to be repeated miracle of God and to continue to work on loving my neighbor as myself.
I pledge to treat patients, families, and peers as unique individuals. I will respect their autonomy in the healthcare space.
I pledge to educate myself about both sides of each equation, to remove personal bias, avoid judgment, and treat everyone equally with respect and dignity. I will seek out and speak up when injustice or racism become apparent.
Asri Byll MSN, RN, CMSRN
I will strive to end racism by learning more about the impact of systemic racism, reflecting on my own implicit bias, advocating for full inclusion in all decision making, listening to experiences and perspectives of others, and speaking out when injustice and racism are present.
Cindy Rothenberger
I pledge to help end racism by holding myself accountable to calling it out when I witness or experience it.
I pledge to vote and carefully consider racism when I vote. I pledge to listen to coworkers and patients about their experiences with racism and discrimination.
I pledge to put myself in my someone else’s shoes to help me gain understanding of how a situation affects them and help me serve people better.
human rights
I pledge to speak up when I witness racism as well as educate those around me. We should all be treated equally.
I pledge to end racism in our profession and in my life!
I pledge to learn more about racism and to stand for those that are suffering because of others.